Training for the Ukrainian Team at ЕСАМ-ЕРMI
May 22, 2024

The second and, unfortunately, the last training in 2024 for the Ukrainian team took place from May 13 to 17 at the Graduate Engineering School ЕСАМ-ЕРМІ in the French town of Cergy. Experts from ЕСАМ-ЕРМІ delivered several lectures to the participants on current issues in cybersecurity during hybrid warfare.

The training also included contributions from experts in gamified teaching methods from an associated partner, the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), which together with experts of HybridCoe (FI) develops strategic games for training the highest echelon managers of public authorities in the Netherlands. Thanks to their course on gaming countering hybrid threats, the training became a dynamic event, featuring Matrix and Dilemma games used for complex decision-making in countering hybrid threats in various cases. Representatives of Ukrainian partner HEIs were not only trained in making complex strategic decisions but also learned how to develop such games based on the Ukrainian context for their further utilizing in their teaching practice.

The short video about this exciting еraining on wargaming: