New Challenges and Transformations in Warfare: Vulnerability and Resilience to Hybrid Aggression
May 26, 2024

On May 24, 2024, the XXIV International Scientific Congress on Public Administration in the XXI Century was held by the WARN project team and Institute of Public Administration at V.N. Karazina Kharkiv National University.

The Congress was devoted to the issues of new challenges and transformations in the conditions of war as well as to addressing vulnerabilities to hybrid aggression and ensuring resilience of Public administration domain.

During the Plenary session, Prof. Andriy Semenchenko (member of the Council on Informatization at the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, a member of the National Commission for State Regulation in the Fields of Electronic Communications, Radio Frequency Spectrum and the Provision of Postal Services) presented report “Mechanisms of public management of robustness and sustainability in the field of communications in wartime conditions” . The interest of the participants and guests of the congress was also aroused by the report “Educational policy at the state and local levels in conditions of war”, which was communicated by Liliya Hrynevych  (former Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (2016-2019), member of Ukrainian parliament of the VII-VIII convocations, chairman Committee on Science and Education (2012-2016), the first vice-rector of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv Metropolitan University).

Thematic activities on issues of the hybrid threats in the Domain “Public Administration” combined 2 actions: (1) a panel discussion “Public policy and management in conditions of hybrid threats” for representatives of public authorities and (2) a training workshop
for scientific and pedagogical workers “Modern teaching methods in conditions of hybrid threats”.  Also, during panel discussion Professor Dmytro Karamyshev, reported on “Systemic vulnerabilities of the spheres affected by hybrid threats and integrated training methods for ensuring resilience and comprehensive security”.

Other participants including project team members prof. Vyacheslav Dzyundzyuk, Assoc. prof. Oleksandr Kotukov, Assoc.  prof. Mykhailo Bilokon, prof. Oleksandr Orlov, Assoc.  prof. Artem Serenok, prof. Olena Krutiy shared their expert opinions and practical experience.

Issues related to comprehensive security and raising awareness of citizens and responding to hybrid threats of ensuring effective coordination and exchange of information between different domains, modern forms, technologies and training methods, the role of public authorities in ensuring protection against tools of hybrid influence on the “Public Administration” domain were considered.

Also, participants considered issues of ensuring effective coordination and exchange of information between different domains, modern forms, technologies and training methods, the role of public authorities in ensuring protection from instruments of hybrid influence on domain “Public administration”, other issues related to comprehensive security and raising awareness of citizens and responding to hybrid threats.

Members of the WARN Project Team shared the materials of the EU-partners regarding the international experience of countering and
response to hybrid threats as well as presented the Guide to the Methodology of Training in the Conditions Hybrid Threats.

You can watch video of the event here