On October 12, 2023, within the #ErasmusDays 2023 initiative V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University held a round table titled “Hybrid threats and complex security”, organized by the WARN project team, the Department of Public Policy and the Department of Law, National Security and European Integration of the “Institute of Public Administration”.
This event was conducted in the framework of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “WARN: Academic Response to Hybrid Threats” (#610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI– EPPKA2–CBHE–JP) and the training students of Master’s program “Public policy and governance in conditions of hybrid threats” in the field of “Public Administration and administration”.
The discussions during the event revolved around issues related to effective coordination and information exchange among various domains and public authorities responsible for safeguarding against hybrid threats, as well as other aspects of ensuring comprehensive security.
The main speakers at the round table included Prof. D. Karamyshev, Prof. O. Orlov, Assoc. Prof. M. Bilokon, and Assoc. Prof. A. Serenok. The round table provided a platform for academic staff, including PhDs like Kozlov and N. Myrna, as well as Prof. T. Kovaleva, to gather and engage in discussions on challenging topics. Master’s and doctoral students also actively participated.
Members of the WARN project team shared knowledge acquired from their EU partners regarding international experiences in preventing and responding to hybrid threats. https://ipa.karazin.ua/?p=12194
NAMSCA team traditionally joined #ErasmusDays initiative organized in the mixed (online + offline) format this year. The WARN experience aligns with motto of this year event “Sustainability & Responsibility” that allowed to contribute a lot in the narratives and gamified event of this year. https://www.facebook.com/groups/726903504510063/posts/1603736713493400/