Training for the Implementation of New Teaching Methods
Sep 16, 2024

On September 16, 2024, National University of Ostroh Academy held a training on the implementation of new teaching methods for faculty members from the project consortium. The goal of the training was to disseminate the knowledge gained through study visits and training at European partners and to share newly developed methods for teaching courses related to countering hybrid threats. The event gathered 142 representatives from partner universities who were interested in learning these innovative teaching practices.

Project experts shared their experience and elaborations:

  • Anatoliy Khudoliy, professor at NUOA, “Application of new teaching methods”;
  • Oksana Hrytsuk, associate professor at HIFL DSPU, “Kahoot using the method of “inverted learning” (“inverted class”)”;
  • Valentyna Zasadko, associate professor, the director of the School of Public Administration at UCU, “Case method in delivering topics on countering hybrid threats”;
  • Mariia Golovianko, associate professor at NURE, “Interdisciplinary and multicultural collaborative learning as preparation of graduates for complex hybrid threats”
  • Alla Atamanenko, professor at NUOA, “Dilemmas as a component of practical training for specialists in international relations and national security.”