What Does ChatGPT Know About Hybrid Threats?
Feb 4, 2023

Artificial intelligence went out of the narrow professionals’ interest of research and development and became widely implemented useful application increasingly. The popularity of ChatGPT – a chatbot released in November 2022 by OpenAI (company creates AI-based products) has been growing at breakneck speed for the last several months. We also were not tempted to test the smart chatbot on its awareness in the subject of our project. The chatbot passed the test! Here is his answer to the question

What hybrid threats have already been known?

Hybrid threats are a relatively new concept, but there have been several examples of them in recent history.

The Russian annexation of Crimea in 2014 was an example of a hybrid threat. Russia used a combination of conventional military forces, irregular “little green men” soldiers, and disinformation to quickly take control of the region.

The Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election is another example of a hybrid threat. Russia used a combination of hacking, cyber attacks, and disinformation to influence the outcome of the election.

The ongoing conflict in Syria has also been characterized as a hybrid threat, with the Syrian government using conventional military forces, irregular militias, and chemical weapons, while non-state actors such as ISIS have used irregular and terrorist tactics.

The Chinese government has been accused of using a combination of cyber espionage, economic pressure, and disinformation to influence other countries and international organizations.

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a global crisis, and some countries have used it to advance their own interests, through disinformation and propaganda, economic pressure, and cyber-attacks.

The North Korea has been known for its hybrid warfare tactics, specifically, it has used its cyber capabilities to steal from other countries, to carry out attacks and to support its conventional and irregular capabilities.

Hybrid threats can come from state or non-state actors and are not limited to these examples, but these are some of the most well-known examples of hybrid threats in recent history.