Analytical Report on security challenges status in the fields of project realization

The updated report on security challenges status in 7 fields study was composed by all project partners. WP leader was SUIT which coordinated and summarized the partners work within consolidated report which consists of summarizing foreseen security challenges and partners` background information as well as synchronized the partners` specific objectives. Finally, the summarizing report was approved during 2-days Workshop on EU curriculum development and finalizing WP “Preparation” which was held by SUIT on 19-20 of February in Kyiv (

Hence, Analytical report provides the requirements to the professional profiles for specialists in the corresponding fields. To reveal these needs as much as possible, the UA partner universities launched a survey for the students and employers on their Websites (KRI NAPA, NAMSCA, NURE_AI, NURE_ECES, DPSU_stud, DPSU_empl).

According to the feedback of the  NEO monitoring mission, the report has been improved in the part of competences related to the experience of EU partners in study programmes on countering hybrid threats based on best practices and current resources.

An integrated WP1 report is available in the GoogleDrive (WP1_Analytical Report) and in the project Repository of this Website (Path: Preparation phase/ Background materials – restricted area for project partners).