Implemented QA Plan

QA Plan including templates of reporting and supporting documents, was developed in January by JYU (P1) and NURE (P5), discussed and accepted by the consortium at the meeting combined with Workshop on the results of WP1 in February of 2020 at SUIT (P7).

QA Plan and templates of the reporting and supporting documents (17 documents) are uploaded to the WARN repository: (Path: Quality management) and in  GoogleDrive QA Plan.

Quality control meetings are held at least twice a year and during offline consortium meetings. Self-assessment reports are prepared for quality control meetings and analyzed during the meetings. The conclusions made by partners facilitate to adjust the further action plan. All discussed issues and related conclusions are recorded in the minutes. Self-assessment reports are uploaded to the WARN repository: (Path: Quality management/Internal QC)


The project consortium uses the analysis of surveys of 3 groups of academic personnel for constant verification and improvement (teachers worked on updating educational content; university management regarding quality and impact of the project results; project team members on the possible issues of project management) undertaken under effect of post-pandemic conditions and during full-scale war of russian federation against Ukraine (the core project activities are realizing under the same conditions). Report is available in web repository of the project and on the project Drive WARN_Report_on_Academic_Feedback.


Upon completing the first year of delivering modernised master’s programmes, which include new and updated courses on countering hybrid threats, we performed a comprehensive analysis for the surveys’ results of the following target groups: teachers and students of master’s programs, and trainees of lifelong learning education courses. Report is available in web repository of the project and on the project Drive WARN _Feedback_First year_2023

The summarised conclusions of this analysis is as follows:

1. Based on the results of the first year of study, representative feedback was received from:
• students (168 respondents),
• trainees (30 respondents),
• teachers (22 respondents).

2. The survey showed that the first year of training within the adapted study programmes was quite successful:

  • The new courses fully met the expectations of students (92.3% of respondents) and listeners (96.7%).
  • All teachers believe that the courses they delivered achieved their goals (86.4% stated the goals were fully achieved, while 13.6% indicated they were mostly achieved).
  • According to the results, more than 90% of students and trainees reported a significant increase in their awareness of hybrid threats.
  • The vast majority of students and trainees gave a positive assessment of the educational materials and reported no difficulties in learning.
  • Students also mentioned the spin-off (side) effects gained during their studies: improvement of English language skills; a desire to continue the studying; the ability to view situations from new perspectives; and enhanced attention to detail.

3. The survey provides insights for identifying areas that require “fine-tuning.”

  • The 1st area is the improvement of course content (teachers and students noted some gaps in the coverage of topics outside the professional scope of their educational programs, a need to increase the practical component, and a request for methodological skills to help them disseminate the acquired knowledge within their own environments).
  • The 2nd area is the organization of the educational process, including balancing the students’ workload through a flexible learning trajectory within each course, separating different elements of educational content, and developing learning skills, particularly the ability to work with English-language primary sources.

4. “Fine-tuning” requires each UA project partner to consider this feedback. The following actions are suggested for joint project development:

  • Determine an appropriate format (e.g., publication, online course) and revisit the creation of joint lecture content on “Hybrid Threat Domains and Tools.”
  • Update the Glossary to version 2.0.
  • Develop and evaluate the application of the proposed teaching methodology in the context of hybrid threats.


The learning outcomes for the first year of teaching thirteen modernised master’s programmes can be found in the analytical report  WARN  Learning_Outcomes_2022_ 2023


Surveys of the project’s target groups are conducted cyclically and will last until 10/07/2024 in order to receive feedback on the results of the 2023/2024 academic year, that is, the second year of delivering new and updated courses on countering hybrid threats within the modernized 13 master’s programs. Questionnaire forms have been developed as a part of project quality assurance (WP4) and are accessible through the following links: